Laughter is arguably the most universal symbol of approval in all human communication. Although a commodity in endless supply, we still selectively distribute our laughter to those sources that we deem worthy of this affection.
Regardless, I can't help but think that funny is funny...right? Nope.
Why is it that a joke from a person you like will elicit neck-breaking laughter, while that SAME joke from someone you don't care for will elicit contempt? Why do we gleefully yokel along to a bad story while out on a date, yet foghorn our classmate who's similar recount of high school is (boooooooooooooorrrriiiiiiiiinggggg)?
Do we perhaps use laughter as a means of balancing social equity? Like electing the candidate with the most votes, typically the most approved person in a group is the person with the most laughs from the most people...
But maybe not...
This post isn't meant to shed light on anything, rather have you consider how you personally use laughter when interacting with the people around you. Are you the person that laughs too loud at the joke that's isn't THAT funny? Are you the person that refuses to crack a smile when everyone else is in stitches? Maybe you're neither...but you're definitely something, and more importantly; why?
Why can't skeleton's have babies?
ReplyDeleteBC They have "Holloweenies"...... Get it?