It strikes me as odd as I typically find that the women with their breasts breaching the levees of their tank-tops are the SAME ones who criticize others who are similarly dressed. In other words, there's the subtle undertone that "my sexy is your slutty".
So because of this, I must ask...Why would you dress up like someone that you would otherwise condemn? Afterall, you can't possibly tell me that the word 'slut' hasn't floated through your brain a time or 10 when watching those Bud Light girls walking through bars. Likewise, come showtime, you take yourself waaaaay too seriously.
If I'm off base, let me know, but I want to understand the logic...
Halloween, in my opinion, is like the one time in the year when girls can act out somewhat of a fantasy role, and be a bad girl and not have it reflect on their normal persona. Some women will talk poorly of others because they are jealous of the fact that she's got it and she flaunts it. Other times they actually think she's showing off to much. There's an acceptable amount of skin to show off while walking down the street daily, but if for one night you get to be someone else and you can be the sexy nurse, it's like all eyes are on you and you're just an actor that evening.