If you're anything like me, you have too many minutes, you hate voicemail, and your standard method of communication is via text or messaging. Why then, does my beloved cellular provider force me into a voice plan with a sea of minutes that I will never use? Why can't she instead offer a data and messaging heavy plan featuring--mmm, 100 minutes for far cheaper?
Oh, because she wants my money. I can either pay $0.50/minute without a voice plan, or spend $39.99/mo to use $8 worth. You’re goosing me good AT&T.
If you take a look at my usage above, I have 2230 rollover minutes which expire after 1 year. If we turn this into raw numbers, that’s the equivalent of about 5 months worth of unused minutes. You’re goosing me reeeeal good AT&T.
I can’t help but pose the question: what would you do with 100 minutes per month on your cellular plan? Would you text, Facebook, Blackberry Message, and Google Talk as much as you already do? Probably…and you still wouldn’t use those minutes.
Lets do some quick math…According to my plan right now, I have roughly 7,465 unused minutes. In order for me to knock all of that down (holding day/night & weekend constant), I would have to talk on the phone for a little over 5 consecutive days.
…but that would never happen since most of my communication is executed with my thumbs.
order of operations: text, email, bbm, call facebook..... then call the fbi and tell them I'm missing because if after all of that I don't respond something is obviously wrong.