Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Social Functions of Laughter

laughter, laughing, laugh
Laughter is arguably the most universal symbol of approval in all human communication. Although a commodity in endless supply, we still selectively distribute our laughter to those sources that we deem worthy of this affection.

Regardless, I can't help but think that funny is funny...right? Nope.

Why is it that a joke from a person you like will elicit neck-breaking laughter, while that SAME joke from someone you don't care for will elicit contempt? Why do we gleefully yokel along to a bad story while out on a date, yet foghorn our classmate who's similar recount of high school is (boooooooooooooorrrriiiiiiiiinggggg)?

Do we perhaps use laughter as a means of balancing social equity? Like electing the candidate with the most votes, typically the most approved person in a group is the person with the most laughs from the most people...

But maybe not...

This post isn't meant to shed light on anything, rather have you consider how you personally use laughter when interacting with the people around you. Are you the person that laughs too loud at the joke that's isn't THAT funny? Are you the person that refuses to crack a smile when everyone else is in stitches? Maybe you're neither...but you're definitely something, and more importantly; why?

Monday, October 19, 2009

"I Only Smoke When I Drink"

Probably one of my top 20 favorite replies to hear whenever I ask someone, "are you a smoker?" Without fail, "I only smoke when I drink" always elicits both an eyebrow raise as well as a Scooby-Doo, 'Aroo?' What exactly does this even mean?

At first glance...
It means exactly what it says- but only because they're in denial about the fact that they're a smoker to begin with. Yes there's a stigma associated with smoking and it's clear that they don't identify with it, but c'moooon. If you're going to do it, you've got to own it! When I asked a friend of mine (who was huffing on a ciggy in the corner while oggling women and flippin' nickels) if they were a smoker, their reply: "Hell no! I only smoke when I drink". Well, according to deductive reasoning, you're smoking right now-'re a smoker. I feel like it's the equivalent me saying "I only drink coffee when I'm tired, but I'm not a coffee drinker". Well, if every time I begin to doze I start throwing down the latte's, then I'm definitely a coffee drinker.

The reason why you "only smoke when you drink" honestly doesn't matter. Better buzz? Cool. Makes you look sexier? Cool. Afterall, I love my smoker friends just as much as my non-smoker friends. Either way, all I'm saying is to own it... There's no need to qualify or justify it if you're making a conscious decision to do it every time you venture out on the town.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

When Something is Too Funny...

I may or may not have cried while watching this over and over-

Friday, October 16, 2009

Talk? Thanks, But I'll Text...

If you're anything like me, you have too many minutes, you hate voicemail, and your standard method of communication is via text or messaging. Why then, does my beloved cellular provider force me into a voice plan with a sea of minutes that I will never use? Why can't she instead offer a data and messaging heavy plan featuring--mmm, 100 minutes for far cheaper?

Oh, because she wants my money. I can either pay $0.50/minute without a voice plan, or spend $39.99/mo to use $8 worth. You’re goosing me good AT&T.

If you take a look at my usage above, I have 2230 rollover minutes which expire after 1 year. If we turn this into raw numbers, that’s the equivalent of about 5 months worth of unused minutes. You’re goosing me reeeeal good AT&T.

I can’t help but pose the question: what would you do with 100 minutes per month on your cellular plan? Would you text, Facebook, Blackberry Message, and Google Talk as much as you already do? Probably…and you still wouldn’t use those minutes.

Lets do some quick math…According to my plan right now, I have roughly 7,465 unused minutes. In order for me to knock all of that down (holding day/night & weekend constant), I would have to talk on the phone for a little over 5 consecutive days.

…but that would never happen since most of my communication is executed with my thumbs.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

...On Women's Halloween Costumes

So I was thinking to myself today, why do some women go out of their way to be 'sexy' on Halloween? I know that we all love dressing up and enjoy being outside of ourselves if only for one night, but why are some women almost eager to hop into their skimpiest 'she-devil' get up or squeeze into that 'sexy nurse' costume?

It strikes me as odd as I typically find that the women with their breasts breaching the levees of their tank-tops are the SAME ones who criticize others who are similarly dressed. In other words, there's the subtle undertone that "my sexy is your slutty".


So because of this, I must ask...Why would you dress up like someone that you would otherwise condemn? Afterall, you can't possibly tell me that the word 'slut' hasn't floated through your brain a time or 10 when watching those Bud Light girls walking through bars. Likewise, come showtime, you take yourself waaaaay too seriously.

If I'm off base, let me know, but I want to understand the logic...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

OMG I feel so dirty...

...yet I can't look away.

Billie Ray you're a terrible father for allowing your daughter to masquerade around like this. Seriously... And what did you sign off on her doing at 3:03 ?!?!