Don't blame me if I'm just another piece of the masses who chooses to hide behind his computer instead of getting out there and trying to make something happen- But this 14" long beauty was too much to pass up on sharing with folks- "Arthur, I need to make a return. Now go fetch my friggin Medieval scroll!"
Why in the hell is it necessary to print a receipt this huge for a 2 item purchase?? Well, according to Walgreens, it's for the following reasons:
1) to direct me to walgreens.com; just in case something happens to the 3 locations currently open within a 2 block radius of me and I have the hankering desire to pay for the shipping of Walgreens generic brand hand sanitizer.Functional? No
2) to offer me membership in the Walgreens Prescription Savings Club, instead of just doing so when I ACTUALLY go back to fill one.
3) to solicit my feedback via an online survey with the chance to win $3,000 cash which will never be paid out anyway. (Seriously, Google it and let me know if you can find a winner)
Wasteful? Yes
Annoying? Absolutely (This thing is longer than the wads of toilet paper that I pull)
If you have any suggestions on how to make this stop, I'm all ears. Maybe I'm complaining, or maybe I'm just commenting; either way, it's clearly unnecessary.
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