Friday, July 9, 2010

City People Directions vs. Non-City People Directions

I thought I'd share a little text message exchange between a friend and I while in pursuit of a local wine store in Arlington, Va.

Me: Where's the vino place?
C-Note: I told u on Clarendon Blvd
Me: That's a long street...
C-Note: Past Orvis
Me: Cross streets are helpful
C-Note: Across from the container store
Me: Where's that? Cross streets are helpful
C-Note: It's right past Orvis before the eye glass store
Me: !!!
C-Note: I don't know. Whatever street is before grocery store and after Cheesecake Factory

...And notice that she gave me 5 points of reference, none of which are relevant without a cross street. At that rate she may as well just give me an address.


  1. You left the comment..."It's not brain surgery Brandon, walk up the effing street"

  2. So...Google maps. While you're standing on Clarendon St, hit "search map" and type in "wine store". You'll see all the wine stores on Clarendon and nearby. Technology is useful like that. ;)

  3. In her defense you did live there for a few years.

  4. my iphone woulda had me there quicka-den-quik

  5. you lived in VA long enough to know where the vino place is AND should know this girl long enough to know she would give this type of response. plus dont you remember our convo about how men & women differ when it comes to remembering directions??? you did this to yourself!!!
