Friday, July 9, 2010

City People Directions vs. Non-City People Directions

I thought I'd share a little text message exchange between a friend and I while in pursuit of a local wine store in Arlington, Va.

Me: Where's the vino place?
C-Note: I told u on Clarendon Blvd
Me: That's a long street...
C-Note: Past Orvis
Me: Cross streets are helpful
C-Note: Across from the container store
Me: Where's that? Cross streets are helpful
C-Note: It's right past Orvis before the eye glass store
Me: !!!
C-Note: I don't know. Whatever street is before grocery store and after Cheesecake Factory

...And notice that she gave me 5 points of reference, none of which are relevant without a cross street. At that rate she may as well just give me an address.