THAT, is a stupid question. Now allow me to qualify the fact that I'll go dark on my
friends all the time and cut a text conversation short because I saw a butterfly cross my line of sight; however when it comes to the dating 'game', I die a little inside every time I hear someone suggest, or employ, the notion that returning a text the next day or week is the best way to go. Anyone with $0.50 worth of self-respect should forget about you by then. Besides, if you need that long to come up with some witty, yet slightly evasive reply to a simple "what're you up to this weekend?", your shit's weak. Couple that with the fact that we can't even use the bathroom without taking our phones with us nowadays and it becomes painfully obvious that you're only fooling yourself. Sure you've been really busy...but not so busy that you weren't willing to risk your life and the lives of others by texting while driving.
If you want to talk to them, call. If you want to text them, do that. If you're done with them, don't reply. If they don't want to hear from you, they won't reply.
I understand that phones die, get lost, run away, etc., but if you're into someone- sack up and let them know. Afterall, if you play hide-and-seek long enough, you may just find yourself with the best spot in the yard all by your lonesome.
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